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    Medical Equipment Now Made Using Green Energy


    Medical Equipment Now Made Using Green Energy

    There are many ways in which industrial manufacturing can be environmentally aware. At the end of 2010, medical equipment manufacturer Lojer Group made the significant decision to switch to using only electricity from renewable sources. According to Lojer Oy's CEO Ville Laine, there is no point emphasizing environmental awareness if it is not backed up by real actions.

    A Small Change Can Make a Big Difference

    From the beginning of 2011, all the electricity used at Lojer's factories will be generated using only renewable energy sources, such as wind power and hydropower. “We consider this to be a big investment in the environment,” says Ville Laine of Lojer Oy. “Compared to our previous energy supplier, our decision will lessen carbon dioxide emissions by around 800,000 kg per year.”

    Consultant Timo Husu of Vestigium Oy – a quality, environment, and energy consultancy – explains what this reduction in emissions means in practice: “Considering that the average car in Finland has driven 18,000 km per year, 800 tonnes of CO2 is the equivalent of the annual emissions of around 300 passenger cars.” Husu continues: “To use another example, Lojer's choice is the equivalent of 100 families living in homes with electric heating changing their electricity supply to a renewable source.”

    At Lojer this decision was considered in its broader context. Laine emphasizes that, by lessening their use of fossil fuels, companies can do their part to slow down climate change, lessen the damaging effects of energy production on the environment and be involved in preserving the environment for future generations. Lojer is looking further ahead. “The next stage for us is to begin energy use assessments so that we can lessen our electricity consumption,” Laine adds. “All measures are necessary if we are to slow down climate change.”



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