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    Lojer Group’s machine washable hospital beds get praise from hospitals

    The extensive adjustment ranges and machine washability of the Lojer ScanAfia X ICU W hospital bed were important selection criteria when the hospital furniture was tendered for the new hospital in Kainuu, Finland. Around the same time, also The Central Finland Health Care District placed an order for Lojer’s machine washable beds.

    Rental beds to home hospitals for terminal care patients in Helsinki

    Hospitals in Helsinki have provided care beds to homes for their patients who have been treated in the past. Helsinki city wanted to improve its process and organized a public tender for hiring beds. Lojer Oy was chosen as the supplier of beds. The three-year contract period started in August 2013.
    Sotesi became a user of the "Functional Bed" service model

    "Beds are not our core competence, but care. It is important for us that the bed works and that it is comfortable for the patient and ergonomic for the nurse," says Päivi Tryyki, Sotesi Social and Health Director. Lojer had previously worked as a supplier of Sotesi hospital beds. Piloting a functional bed model started in 2011. In the service model, Sotesi rents the bed with his mattress at Lojer at a monthly rate. The price includes maintenance, spare parts and inspections.

    ”Manuthera 242 allows an unlimited number of techniques”

    The Manuthera 242 treatment table provides relief for muscle tension and flexibility as well as intervertebral mobility. Versatile treatment and diagnosis options ensure the best possible treatment. Pentti ”Taikasormi” Niemi, the muscular caregiver of the Finnish athletics and wrestling team, uses the Manuthera 242 table developed by Lojer for top athletes. Niemi praises the versatility of the treatment table.



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