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    Sotesi became a user of the "Functional Bed" service model


    Sotesi became a user of the "Functional Bed" service model

    The Sastamala Region's Social and Health Services (Sotesi) in cooperation with Lojer, started to consider equipment of hospital wards and nursing homes already in the early 2010s. Sotesi's challenge was the aging beds coming from many different manufacturers. Ordering maintenance from different companies was expensive and slow.

    "Beds are not our core competence, but care is. It is important for us that the bed works and that it is comfortable for the patient and ergonomic for the nurse," says Päivi Tryyki, Sotesi Social and Health Director. Lojer had previously worked as one of the suppliers of Sotesi hospital beds. Piloting the "Functioning Care Facility" concept started in 2011. In the concept, Sotesi rents the bed with mattress from Lojer at a monthly rate. The price includes maintenance, spare parts and regular services.

    - Since 2013, all our beds have been rented from Lojer. Lojer also bought our old beds. Now we don't have our inventory full of unused and broken equipment, but we  get exactly the number of beds we need at the given moment, says Tryyki.

    Beds that work for home care

    Previously, the acquisition of beds was also a problem in home care. A good care bed made it easier to treat clients at home, but it was expensive to get them.

    - Previously relatives could purchase a care bed when it was needed. When it was no longer needed, it became a problem: selling a nursing bed to others was difficult and due to their size, it was difficult to store them, says Päivi Tryyki. Today, Sotesi rents beds to home care clients.
    - We have received really good feedback from relatives. Renting is convenient, and the rent per month is small compared to the cost of buying a bed.

    "We focus on caring"

    In the "Functioning Care Facility" concept maintenance is included in the monthly fee. The service ensures that a hospital or care facility always has safe, working equipment. Lojer owns and takes full responsibility for the equipment and its maintenance; the customer has a facility with modern equipment that functions as it should, and where equipment is fully maintained and serviced regularly by the manufacturer.

    - We always have a bed that works available. The most important thing for us is that the system works. We can then focus on care, Päivi Tryyki points out. The concept has attracted interest on the public and private sector.

    - As an alternative for big investments, I recommend to consider other solutions than buying as well. We have managers, nurses and clients who are satisfied with the service model. We would not want to go back to old way. 



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