Lojer Group’s machine washable hospital beds get praise from hospitals


Lojer Group’s machine washable hospital beds get praise from hospitals

The extensive adjustment ranges and machine washability of the Lojer ScanAfia X ICU W hospital bed were important selection criteria when the hospital furniture was tendered for the new hospital in Kainuu, Finland. Around the same time, also The Central Finland Health Care District placed an order for Lojer’s machine washable beds.

Central Finland Hospital Nova started care work in the new central hospital. Lojer supplied the hospital with 450 machine washable ScanAfia X ICU W beds.

“Machine washable beds will be placed in all the wards and in the recovery room,” says Timo Loukasvuori, Sales Manager at Lojer.

The bed procurement of the new central hospital proceeded through a tendering process. During the tendering, a panel consisting of the procurement office of the Central Finland Health Care District, technical professionals and representatives of nursing staff evaluated beds from different manufacturers. Among other things, the functional properties of the bed, the price, warranty, and service-related factors weighed in the selection.

“The assets of the ScanAfia X ICU W model were the extensive adjustment ranges. The bed can be set in various sitting and reclining positions, as well as in a CPR position by pressing one button. The bed is also durable in use, which makes its lifecycle costs affordable,” says Loukasvuori.


Hospital staff evaluated the bed

ScanAfia X ICU W machine washable hospitals beds were also selected for the new hospital in Kainuu, Finland. According to Merja Näsänen, coordinator at Kainuu Social and Health Care Joint Authority, the most important properties of a hospital bed include the possibility to lower it as low as possible, when necessary, ability to add lifting supports to the bed and machine washability. The price is also important in tendering.

“The procurement office together with representatives of different hospital units contemplated on the selection criteria, and finally the procurement office tendered out the beds,” Näsänen explains the process. In total 120 machine washable Lojer beds were ordered for the new Kainuu hospital. “The beds were placed in hospital wards, recovery room, paediatric patients’ isolation rooms, emergency ward, ICU and day hospital.”


Maintenance every hundred wash cycles

Another advantage of the ScanAfia X ICU W machine washable hospitals bed is its long maintenance interval. A Lojer bed requires maintenance after every hundred wash cycles, but there are models on the market, which need maintenance already after a few dozen wash cycles. The stainless-steel frame structure helps ensure that ScanAfia X ICU W meets the requirements of bed standard EN 60601-2-52 regarding machine washability, as well. The hospital staff tests the bed functions in the washer both before and after the wash.

“The hospital washer is a bit like a car wash. The bed goes through the selected wash program, and after the wash, its functions are tested, and the bed is made up and equipped ready for the ward.”


Machine Washable ScanAfia X ICU W Hospital Bed


  • long maintenance interval, 100 wash cycles


  • sitting, reclining and CPR positions


  • affordable life cycle costs


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