Ultraäänikoulutus 22.-23.2.2018: "Ultrasound Basics" by Jens Lundgren
Olemme yhteistyökumppanina järjestämässä kansainvälisen tason ultraäänikoulutusta Suomessa 22.2 - 23.2.2018. Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu huipputason ultraäänikoulutukseen!
Jens Lundgren: Ultrasound Basics
This two day course will give the participants a good base to start working with musculoskeletal ultrasonography (MSUS). There is no need to have purchased a machine for the basic training, but in the following advanced steps you will need access to a machine.
The theory behind the method will be covered in a mixture of scanning techniques and basic research. We will follow scanning protocols from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology and will learn how to scan major extremity joints with tendons, some ligaments and muscles. One part of the course will also be dedicated to biofeedback of the trunk and pelvic region. Some pathology will be discussed, but the main focus will be put on scanning protocols of healthy tissue.
Hinta: 659€ (sis. alv)
Jens on laillistettu naprapaatti, kouluttaja ja opettaja Naprapathögskolanissa (The Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine). Ruotsissa naprapaatit työskentelevät terveydenhuollossa yhtenä laillistettuna ammattiryhmänä fysioterapeuttien rinnalla. Jensin erikoisalaa on tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön ultraäänikuvantaminen, jota hän käyttää naprapaatin työssään kuntoutuksen tukena mm. asiakkaan ohjaamisessa.
Kysy ihmeessä lisää!
Vili Rahkonen
puh. 010 830 6741
PS myöhemmin vuonna 2018 järjestetään jatkokoulutukset:
26.-28.4.2018 Jens Lundgren: Ultrasound Advanced
For a pathology oriented course you should proceed with the advanced courses after finishing the basic training or equivalent course. The advanced course will be held in two parts, one for upper extremity and one for lower extremity. After these steps you are asked to send in three patient cases for feedback on your work. These steps require that you have already started to work with MSUS and have access to a machine.
Hinta: 759 € (sis. alv)
Kouluttaja: Jens Lundgren, Dr. of Naprapathy, musculoskeletal ultrasonography, teacher at the Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine
Koulutuskieli: englanti
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23.-24.8.2018 Jens Lundgren: Ultrasound Course Exam and Repetition
After finishing the Basics and Advanced modules, a two days repetition and examination course is held to require a diploma. We will discuss and give feedback on the patient cases you have encountered during the whole course by group discussions. There will be a theoretic and practical test at the end which will lead to a diploma.